Friday, August 17, 2012

The Luve Project Update: Envy

So, my kids didn't seem to have many incidents of 'envy' this week to work on.  That's probably a good thing. :)  We did work on memorizing; "Love does not envy" (or "love is not enbee" for all you 3 year-olds out there...).  I also found a great verse that may be key in helping our boys guard against resentful envy.  Romans 12:15 says;

"Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep (NKJV)." 

If I can help my children to be happy rather than resentful when others are blessed with good things, then I think they'll be taking big steps towards not being an envious person.  We can make rejoicing with others a habit that will, hopefully (prayerfully), shape their character for the better.  It won't always be an easy lesson to learn.  It won't be easy

when someone else is picked as captain,

or gets the better mark

 or wins the gold.

However, learning to be happy for the other is always a healthier response.
Practically, as a parent, I will attempt to memorize this little nugget of a verse and whisper it in my boy's ears when the opportunity arises.
For example, last Saturday we went to our little cousin's 1st birthday party.  He had a Jake and the Neverland Pirates birthday cake.  That's a big deal.  My boys were wide eyed and completely in love with that cake.

That would have been a great opportunity to quietly whisper..."Wow!  Isn't it great that Channing got that terrific cake?!  He will be so excited to see that!"  Creating opportunities to celebrate with others may be an actual safe guard against building up feelings of resentment when others seem to receive more.  So thankful for the wisdom that God's words so freely provides.  In this parenting business, I need as much as I can get!  


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