Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Luve Project: Envy and High Tops

I think I remember the first time I fell prey to a fad.  It was elementary school.  A couple girls in my class had new high tops.  Not just any high tops.  They had little chains on them.  Naturally, everyone wanted a pair.  I would stare at them longingly and try to picture them on my own scrawny feet.  Not that I had horrible shoes...I just didn't have high tops..with chains.  
See?  I needed the chains...

Apart from the chains, my memories about the shoe issue are a little vague.  I have a feeling though that little fingers of envy may have crept in to say; "she thinks she's so cool...with her chains." 
This week I'm teaching my boys about envy.  I wrote our little verse poster; "Love does not envy.." and then proceeded to expound 'envy' at the dinner table..to a 4 year old - and a 3 year old.  Interesting. 
I reminded Josiah of when he was mad when Samuel won a birthday prize and he didn't.  It didn't go too well.  Josiah decided he still wasn't over the episode and Samuel remembered that he had left said prize at the party...oops.
We'll try again tomorrow. :) 


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