Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I am a reading nut. Since I've been able to read, I've read everything. The backs of cereal boxes, posters on waiting room walls, shampoo bottles ("gee, tes cheveux sentent bon!"), stickers on my new bike and wait...oh yes...books.
Some of my favorite books have been stories about missionaries who braved thick rain forests and crocodiles and outhouses.

There was one particular series I really enjoyed called "The Jungle Doctor". I was inspired by the doctor's manner in crazy circumstances. Everything from army ants to witch doctors. His wisdom, steadiness and love for the people of Africa was testimony to God's work in his life.

I was reading the words of Paul, the missionary, this morning. In Philippians 1:27 he writes;

"Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ."

WHATEVER happens? Heroes like missionaries encounter some pretty big WHATEVER's.
You know...
tape worms (ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh),
bears - oh my!

and that's just my shallow list...we all know they deal with so many WHATEVER's.

It would be easy to think that Philippians 1:27 deals with just the big stuff but as I was reading that verse this morning, I thought of some things in the day ahead of me...
Cleaning the kitchen,
Laundry. Laundry. Laundry,
Letting the dog out. And in. (x50)
Feeding the baby,
Preparing lunch,
Putting kids down to nap,
Preparing dinner,
Filling up the water guns,
Potty training (sigh),
Cleaning the toilets,
Picking up 3056 super heroes off the floor,
and if there's time...
Brushing my teeth.

"Whatever happens..." means WHATEVER.
Laundry is WHATEVER.
Dried out muffins are WHATEVER.
A baby waking up early from nap time...WHATEVER.

So, in the midst of these WHATEVER's, am I walking in a manner that presents the power of God's presence in my life?
When I interact with my children?
My husband?
The store clerk?
The telemarketer? (help me God.)

Knowing that I can represent His love, the essence of Him sending His Son, in WHATEVER happens in my day...makes my day, and the little things, so meaningful.

Praying that you are able to find joy in walking for Him in WHATEVER comes your way.


Anonymous said...

Great stuff as usual. UF

Audra Marie said...

Such an encouraging post. Love this. And will keep it in mind as I go about the day.

Christie S.E. Blackwood said...

Thanks for reading! :)

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