Friday, March 11, 2011


Sometimes, doing laundry is not fun. Neither is vacuuming. Not to mention changing the diaper "Genie" (because, Mr. "Genie", you do not grant my wish of having 20 smelly diapers disappear). Oh, yeah, I almost forgot...unloading the dishwasher...uugggh! Then, there are the days when my sweet boys "color" all over the bedroom wall or when they "feed the dog" by joyfully shooting dog food across my floor with mini hockey sticks (Note to self: look under the oven next time we run out of dog food). A few weeks ago they t.p'd my upstairs and this week discovered all the gems hidden in the fridge - I found my Worcestershire sauce in my coat closet.
Then, there's another way to look at the daily life of a wife, mom and home maker...
I could remember how blessed we are to have clothes as I drop the whites in the bleach. I could remember how blessed we are that we have toys to pick up before I vacuum. I could whisper a prayer of thanks as I clean the diaper pail - we can afford diapers. All those dishes that come out of the dishwasher held good food and memories of little boy laughter around the table. My sweet boys and their antics...I am blessed that they are healthy enough to have fun.
It really is all in the way you look at it.
Psalm 68:19 says; "The Lord...daily loads us with benefits." Daily. Loads. Let's not miss out on His benefits by always looking at the negative side. Be transformed. Let Him renew your mind so that you can see His love and His daily load of benefits.
Here's a video and a link to a blog of a lady who wrote a book on His blessings...can't wait to read it!

holy experience